Is There a Cure For Anxiety? If So, What Is It?
So, IS there a Cure for Anxiety? While there are many remedies that help you deal with anxiety, there is really only one type of cure for anxiety and that is retraining the mind.
I know, it probably sounds difficult and very in depth, but it's really not.
In fact, it can take as little as 5 minutes.
Sounds crazy right? Not really..
let me tell you why.
When you go through a situation such as extreme stress and it triggers anxiety the brains function actually moves from the front of the brain to the middle of the brain.
Big deal right? Well, it actually is.
The frontal portion of the brain helps you make logical decisions, where the middle of the brain is more emotional.
So, when a situation of anxiety arises, your emotions take over which actually heightens the anxiety situation because you start stressing more, the fear levels increase, and the anxiety just goes up and up.
What is going to stop it when your emotions are involved? This is where the techniques for retraining the mind come in.
If you can retrain your mind to use the frontal portion of your brain during these heighten anxiety situations, then you will be making a logical decision and not an emotional one.
As you will find, the logical decision is one such as "is this really as big of a deal as I think it is" or "what am I afraid of anyway".
This may sound familiar already, but if your emotions are involved during the anxiety attack, then the answers to these questions may be different than if you had logic involved.
So, the answer to "Is there a Cure for Anxiety" is a definite Yes!
I know, it probably sounds difficult and very in depth, but it's really not.
In fact, it can take as little as 5 minutes.
Sounds crazy right? Not really..
let me tell you why.
When you go through a situation such as extreme stress and it triggers anxiety the brains function actually moves from the front of the brain to the middle of the brain.
Big deal right? Well, it actually is.
The frontal portion of the brain helps you make logical decisions, where the middle of the brain is more emotional.
So, when a situation of anxiety arises, your emotions take over which actually heightens the anxiety situation because you start stressing more, the fear levels increase, and the anxiety just goes up and up.
What is going to stop it when your emotions are involved? This is where the techniques for retraining the mind come in.
If you can retrain your mind to use the frontal portion of your brain during these heighten anxiety situations, then you will be making a logical decision and not an emotional one.
As you will find, the logical decision is one such as "is this really as big of a deal as I think it is" or "what am I afraid of anyway".
This may sound familiar already, but if your emotions are involved during the anxiety attack, then the answers to these questions may be different than if you had logic involved.
So, the answer to "Is there a Cure for Anxiety" is a definite Yes!