Getting Over a Break Up - the Steps to Recovery

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So you are presently getting over a break up and you are finding it very painful emotionally.
You feel you need to see your ex and just after you feel this is the last thing you need.
This is all perfectly normal.
In the same way that there are stages to overcome when you are mourning the death of someone close to you, there are "The steps to recovery" that have to be taken when "Getting over a break up.
" When we mourn the death of a close one, there is often a considerable amount of help from friends doing likewise.
However, when you are getting over a break up, you often find yourself on your own, without support from friends, and it is this that makes the pain more difficult to bear.
Start by writing a letter to your ex in which you let him know all you are feeling.
Discuss all the good and bad things that you can think about concerning your past relationship, why he appealed to you, what you are feeling concerning the break up and what you think of your ex.
Then you burn the letter as a final act to show that all is really over between you and this should help you advance your efforts to get over the relationship.
Then agree a time acceptable to you both when you can exchange of all your affairs and throw out the small things nobody wants.
Store away for a time any gifts that you may have received from your ex, so that you are not constantly looking at them and being reminded of your ex..
Clean up your joint financial affairs, settle what you owe each other, taking a loan to pay your ex off if necessary and close any joint bank accounts.
You are ending the parts of your shared lives, which is very necessary after a break up.
Agree between yourselves not to contact each other for at least a month, whilst each of you starts to construct your individual lives apart.
Agree to avoid certain places where you went together, to avoid meeting each other during this period.
As you start to rebuild your lives apart you will find it easier to meet each other in the future.
Take the space you believe you need during what is bound to be a trying time for both of you if you are to get over your break up successfully Finally, I advise you to read a book entitled "The Magic of Making Up" written by T 'Dub' Jackson.
He has a lifetime of experience helping people, throughout the world, sort out their relationship problems, and his book helped me and it will likely help you to solve yours.
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