How to Clean Mold Off a Shower Wall
- 1). Fill the plastic spray bottle with white vinegar. Mark the bottle "Vinegar" with a permanent marker. This is to prevent accidental misuse when thinking the spray bottle is full of water.
- 2). Ventilate the bathroom by opening a window or turning on a fan. Even though vinegar is nontoxic, it can still make you feel nauseated and give you a headache.
- 3). Saturate the shower wall with the vinegar. Spray all of the mold spores thoroughly. Let the vinegar soak into the mold for about 45 minutes.
- 4). Scrub the exterior with a hard bristle brush. Clean the entire shower wall. However, pay the most attention to the mold spores. With a little hard work, the mold will come off.
- 5). Fill a pitcher with hot water, and then splash the shower wall. This will remove the vinegar and remaining grime. You can also use a detachable shower head if one is available.