Today Liz Benson is an ordained Evangelist with the mandate to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
Her metamorphoses from a top actress to a preacher started in 1996 when she answered an altar call at the Revival Assembly in Lagos. For her at that time it was just a way of appreciating God for showing her so much kindness in her career.
Though she was ordained in April 2006 at the Christian Central Chapel, Calabar by Evangelist (Dr) Emma Isong as an Evangelist, Liz Benson claims that she had started her Evangelical work long before her ordination.
In her words she describes her experience like this “ from my own example, I know that a man can not run away from God. Everywhere a man finds himself, he should cultivate the act of asking himself that, “God, what is my purpose of being here?” No matter how small you think you are, ask God. That is one thing I have come to discover. I can just begin to really tell you oh! I sat down one day and said I wanted to become a preacher. No. All I wanted was to serve God and to be closer to Him than a mere Christian. You know, I have had a Christian background. I was brought up in a Christian family but it was not enough. I have also realised that it is not enough to be a good person; it is all about Jesus Christ. It is about being born again in the true sense of it”.
About her comment on the comparison between her acting personality and now as a Preacher, she says “He who is fulfilling in the performing act industry is worth fulfilling in evangelism. But the greatest fulfillment comes when you know your purpose in life. Sometimes we say oh! I have got it, I have got there and all that but really what are you doing with the lives of the people around you?
When you positively impact on the lives of the people around you, something really different begins to manifest there. It is just a supernatural birth of what good God has deposited in us at each level. So, my acting days were really fulfilling for me, but not as fulfilling as now knowing full well that I am a vessel in the hand of the most high God. What else can I ask for? It is such a wonderful privilege. I can not just begin to really comprehend how God planned it. But I tell you this, that my being in the movie industry, the fame or whatever one might have got from there was not for me, not for my family but for the advancement of God's work”.
According to her, though she has no plans to establish her own Church, her message is to “set the captives free, preach His word, to turn around, humble myself and make wake-up call towards the coming of the lord”.
Evangelist Liz Benson comments on her challenges like this “For me, I would say that the acting industry was a proper training ground for what I am doing now. I think I have got all the trainings, all the shock-absorbers to be able to face any challenge
Her message to her fans is this “My message is that things have changed. Liz Benson of those days is not the one you know now. They should give their lives to Christ just like I did. I want to tell young boys and girls who were thrilled by my talent in the movie industry in those days that they can still gain much more from this message which God has given me to the world that He is coming soon.