Easy Way to Plant a Lawn
- There is an easy, quick method to plant grass seed for a lawn. You may not get the absolute best quality lawn, but you will get grass. Usually you need to rake the area, add soil, seed and then add more soil. You can circumvent this process by buying top soil and mixing the grass seed into it in a wheelbarrow. After kneading the mixture and mixing it well, shovel it over the planting area and rake it smooth. You will need to water often in the first two weeks to get the grass to start growing.
- The quickest way to make a lawn is to put down sod. Sod is expensive, but it is instant grass; just unroll it and put it in place. Start with a straight edge to line up the strips of sod, and stagger the strips, as if you are laying bricks, to avoid long seams. You will need to water the sod often to get the roots to grow down into your top soil and keep the strips from drying out. You may want to water twice a day for 30 minutes each time. Keep the lawn moist but not soggy. Don't water at night, because diseases can attack grass that stays wet too long.