How Not to Write an eBook in 7 Days
And this is a good time for eBooks as people seem to love them. Why? They are easily accessible and you can download them instantly. You have the information right at your fingertips in a little more than a nano-second.
But with the influx of eBooks there comes some really bad ones. There are a lot of duds out there because everyone thinks they can write an eBook and sell it for $70.
Being a writer, I'm particularly picky about what I read and there's nothing worse than a bad book or a bad eBook. Obviously, it's important that the content of the eBook you select is important. This is a no-brainer. You want to make sure you have a 'good one' before purchasing.
People are given the hope that they can write an eBook in as little as 7 days.
Well, of course you can write an eBook in seven days, but what quality of eBook are you offering your client? You want clients to come back to you, particularly if you have another product to offer. Will your customers buy that second product if the first one sucked? Probably not.
Let's say you purchase a book from a bookstore. It's an author you've heard about but aren't familiar with their writing. You take a chance, buy the book and realize it sucks. Are you apt to buy another of that author's work again? Probably not.
I recently purchased an eBook that cost $70.00. Though the information was current and useful, it was redundant throughout. It was as if the author had cut and pasted the information from previous chapters.
Although this eBook came loaded with some bonuses, is it really fair to the customer to read redundant information? Don't you want to offer more?
When writing an eBook, keep these things in mind.
1) Find a topic that excites you. Don't pick something because you thought it would make you the most money. People will see right through your writing if there isn't any passion in it. They won't feel the love.
2) Do your research. Be well-versed on what you are writing about. Again, feel the love.
3) Write consistently. If you really want this eBook to fly, write/work on it every single day, even if it's for only five minutes.
4) Don't rush. Although it is possible to write an eBook in seven days and yes, there are eBooks out there that have been completed in seven days, how many of those are making money? How many of those really stink? Quality--people want quality. There's nothing worse than a bad book.
5) Do it because you really want to. Passive income is great and doing it through eBooks is one perfect way. Don't do it because it'll be a quick buck.
6) Writing is an art, a profession. I love to write; I'm passionate about it. If writing is not your forte and you are serious about an eBook, then hire a writer or collaborate with one.
EBooks are great. Make sure that your eBook is the one that makes the 'Stay' p