6 Simple Questions to Determine If You Have Anxiety and Panic Attacks
So what are the 6 questions? It is this...
Do you experience intense periods of fear that begin quickly and that are accompanied by several uncomfortable physical symptoms, such as racing heart, nausea, breathlessness, and dizziness? 2.
Do these periods of fear appear to occur out of the blue, even in situations where you do not expect to feel anxious or nervous? 3.
Do you anticipate the attacks, wondering when the next one will strike? 4.
Do you worry about the possible consequences of the attacks? For example, during the attacks do you worry that you might die, faint, go crazy, lose control, vomit, lose bowel control, have a stroke, or embarrass yourself? 5.
Do you fear or avoid situations where the attacks often occur? Are there other things that you do to protect yourself from experiencing panic attacks? 6.
Do your panic attacks and the tendency to avoid feared situations interfere with your life? For example, does the problem affect your work, hobbies, or relationships? Did you get lots of "yes" from the above 6 questions? If you do, then you need to ask yourself if you are ready to work on your panic attacks.
If you are too busy, or if there are other problems that are likely to get in the way (for example, severe depression or significant alcohol or drug use), this may not be the best time to begin working on your panic.