Expressions That Create Impressions
If the seed is not mingled with earth, water, air and the sunlight, it cannot break its hard shell to grow into its potential as a huge tree which spreads its branches in the sky to dance in the wind.
Only when the tree has spread its wings, birds can build their nests on it...
enjoy its fruits and butterflies romance its flowers and the tree can become lively.
It is through the unveiling of its innermost divine encryption that a seed unlocks its mystery.
In the same way, a creative thought or an idea is to be shared, exchanged lucidly for it to grow and be free from its confinement so that it will not be misinterpreted in any manner.
Unfortunately, there is a limitation to the expression of feelings through words.
However hard we may endeavor to put across our thoughts in words, it will prove to be impotent when we need to reveal our heart's innermost feelings.
Khahlil Gibran says: 'Thought is a bird of space; that in a cage of words may indeed unfold its wings but will not fly'.
When our assimilation of a concept is total, the way in which we express it becomes naturally simpler, lighter and lucid.
By and by the language will lose its solidity and complexity.
The deeper the understanding, the simpler will be the expression and eventually, the language is bound to shed its heaviness - and an effortless transmission becomes possible.
It will not sit like a rock on our chest.
My experience is that a teacher, who has thoroughly understood any complex subject, can simplify the way he communicates with the students and make them absorb it into their system without difficulty.
Only a thought which is authentically natural and close to human experience can be expressed lucidly.
Expression and language becomes complex and un-absorbable when your concept is not natural, not arising out of one's experience and when it is in utter conflict with human nature and its innermost realities - Then it becomes a soulless phenomenon and a mere intellectual gymnastics.
Try reading the works of some contemporary writers, philosophers, poets and you will understand what I mean - a heavy friction is felt - Their thoughts never fall naturally into the valleys of our hearts from a sunlit peak.
These types of people seem to be hypocrites and their creativity is just hypocrisy.
They borrow some decaying ideas from the graveyard and paraphrase them.
Some others look only through their own Ideological Microscope and interpret and communicate everything under the sun according to the spectrum they think are the only truths.
The so called rationalist belong to this category.
Rationalists are neither scientific nor rational because science never arrives at a conclusion based only on the known - it continuously explores further.
Osho ridicules them by calling as 'Irrational Rationalists'.
Osho elaborates his stand in a reply to Abraham T Koovoor, "The moment you say that I know that God does not exist, you are as irrational as the person who says God exists.
You have lost the track'.
'How can you say that God is not? The whole existence has not yet been measured.
There are depths upon depths, there is much still unknown.
A little is known.
Far more remains unknown and unknowable.
How can you say dogmatically that God is not?" He says further "A rationalist will avoid all temptations of dogmatism.
He will say "I don't know".
Socrates was a rationalist, Buddha was rationalist, Nagarjuna was rationalist, but they were not atheists.
Atheism means you are against theism; you have chosen a belief.
To believe in God is a belief; to believe in no God is a belief again.
You remain a believer.
To be a rationalist is very difficult, arduous because man wants to cling to some belief" The very nature of their expression is indicative of their own perversions and ignorance of themselves.
In Plato's words "Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.
" When a communication becomes a heart-to-heart affair, it will be a communion.
Transmission can be of anything - love, poetry, ideas, spirituality or anything but it should be a heart-to-heart affair.
Only an authentic meditative human being with immense life experience and a bit of self knowledge - who is simple, and utterly natural can create a communion.
Everybody else creates indigestion in the brain with their utopian..
impractical ideas.
Parroting will not help- Gibran says in his book - The Voice of the Master - 'Learn the words of wisdom uttered by the wise and apply them to your own life.
Live them, but do not make a grand show of reciting them in public-for someone who repeats what they do not fully understand is no better than an ass loaded with book".
Here he is pointing out that assimilation and application is of utmost importance and just by-hearting and repeating anything like a mantra without understanding its real value and meaning will serve no purpose except self-deception.
The Prophet, a world famous classic by Khahlil Gibran, is a perfect example of that communion.
I honestly recommend that everyone should read and make it a companion for their life.
Gibran's words are very simple and yet the message he conveys has a tremendous depth and marvelous beauty which you can never miss.
It is an unfathomable ocean...
He is a man with the signature of god on his heart.
It is by reading his book [The Prophet] I have known that the rainbow can be caught in words.
Sources report that behind Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu, Khahlil Gibran is the third most widely read poet in history.
Claude Bragdon observes: "His power came from some great reservoir of spiritual life else it could not have been so universal and so potent, but the majesty and beauty of the language with which he clothed it were all his own.
" If my effort has inspired you to read The Prophet or any other treasures by Gibran, I am sure that it will be a tremendous turning point in your life.
It will re-energize your soul.
Simply put, it is life transforming!