Yes Or No? The Decision To Give Up A Home Based Business
So it's been a few months since you started an online home based business and you're thinking of cutting your losses and running. We'll that's the natural instinct when face with a threatening situation. Here the threatening situation is keep losing money or cut your losses. So I've put together a few pros and cons of the two scenarios to help you decide whether you should "fight or flight".
What will happen if you fight and stay with the home based business?
1.You may lose some more money in the short term but there is a way out of this. The answer is a mentor. An online mentor can help you overcome the problems that lead you to losing money. Over the years I have ploughed literally thousands of dollars in the business of making money online and to no avail. It was only till I found my internet mentor that things really started to take off. I was learning all sorts of things like how to get to the first page of Google, SEO options for my webpage and many other insights gained from their wealth of experience. Looking for a good online mentor must surely be the first thing to do if you choose to fight!
2. Success may just be around the corner. I can't tell you how many online marketers have told me about the time they just gave up only to find that people in their team were now making money.Remember the old lottery saying "you've got to be in it to win it". So stick with it because success could be so close.
3.You'll be well known on the internet. As you keep working with your online home based business your online reputation will grow. People will start to recognize your comments on different sites and blogs. This will in turn make people trust you and hence start buying from you, but to make this happen you'll have to keep on going.
So what will happen if you cut and run?
1. You'll have more time; those hours you spent trying to make a better life for you and your family could be spent with your family. You're going to have to go the Local Park or shopping mall because you will not have made the extra money needed for expensive holidays.
2. You'll have a bit more money in the short run because you won't be spending money on little things like web hosting and forums like the warrior forum.
3.You will have fewer emails, obviously since you're not running a business anymore you will not have as many emails coming in. So you can go back to checking your emails one a week.
4.People who were following your online blogs might be a little disappointed and send you emails asking you to start again. If this happen just delete the email.
So whatever you choose, to fight or flight, remember that the decision that you take will result in some good things either way. You'll just have to weigh up whether it's worth it.
Good luck.