Lean Abs - One Move to Really Flatten Your Belly
Okay, I'm really excited to share with you this move.
You'll really want to add this move to your current ab routine.
Before I take you through the move, you'll want to do these for two to three sets each time you do it.
You'll want to work this move 3 to 4 times a week.
Repetitions should be around 6 to 8 reps.
You'll get your abs flat and feel more stable in the core in just a few weeks.
Go from a sitting up position to a laying down position with a mid-section contraction.
It's called the "roll up" Take a breath as you lift and lower your upper body.
Beginners just curl up half way.
No pain should be in your back or neck.
As a personal trainer for help if you can.
Sit up with legs extended, face up.
Knees and feet together with feet pointed.
Palms facing feet.
Tuck your chin, with arms extended above the chest.
As you round your spine and lower it towards floor, contract your abs.
Don't raise your chin as you lift.
As you lift yourself into a sitting up position, continue exhaling.
You'll feel tension on the front and sides of your torso.
You should not feel pain in your back or neck.
If you do feel pain, stop.
Consult with trainer or physical therapist.
Let me give you golden tip.
When curling your body up, think about drawing the lower part of your ribs towards your hips.
This roll-up routine can really flatten your abs.
Start slowly and soon you'll perfect your form.
Okay, there you go.
The ab contraction that you'll get here you won't get from average crunch.
Stay strong.
You'll really want to add this move to your current ab routine.
Before I take you through the move, you'll want to do these for two to three sets each time you do it.
You'll want to work this move 3 to 4 times a week.
Repetitions should be around 6 to 8 reps.
You'll get your abs flat and feel more stable in the core in just a few weeks.
Go from a sitting up position to a laying down position with a mid-section contraction.
It's called the "roll up" Take a breath as you lift and lower your upper body.
Beginners just curl up half way.
No pain should be in your back or neck.
As a personal trainer for help if you can.
Sit up with legs extended, face up.
Knees and feet together with feet pointed.
Palms facing feet.
Tuck your chin, with arms extended above the chest.
As you round your spine and lower it towards floor, contract your abs.
Don't raise your chin as you lift.
As you lift yourself into a sitting up position, continue exhaling.
You'll feel tension on the front and sides of your torso.
You should not feel pain in your back or neck.
If you do feel pain, stop.
Consult with trainer or physical therapist.
Let me give you golden tip.
When curling your body up, think about drawing the lower part of your ribs towards your hips.
This roll-up routine can really flatten your abs.
Start slowly and soon you'll perfect your form.
Okay, there you go.
The ab contraction that you'll get here you won't get from average crunch.
Stay strong.