Video Marketing Vs PPC
While both forms of marketing can be highly effective and similar as far as how profitable they both can and also have their own pitfalls.
Video marketing has changed the way we look at things in the internet marketing community.
Those that have mastered the technique may obviously have a bias opinion and would probably say that Video Marketing would win hands down.
However, if you look closer you'll see that there are some negative aspects of Video marketing.
For example although you can rank high in the search engines with a little VEO (video engine optimization) and SEO (search engine optimization) if you don't have the right keyword research done from the beginning getting massive amounts of traffic would prove to be pointless.
Additionally once you're up at the top of the search engine you can change the direction you would like to move in at the push of a button like with PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising.
PPC advertising can get you up at the top of the search engines in a matter of hours.
In addition you can also make changes at the click of a button.
You can not only show up at the top of the search engines for your choice of key words but additionally you can advertise on your competitions site! Although the versatility of using PPC advertising can prove to also drive huge amounts of traffic to your offer or website the technical side of learning how to use PPC can be confusing, to say the least(especially for beginners).
You have to worry about the quality score, relevance of your site, history of your sites performance, content network, search networks and of course the cost of your advertising.
So which one is best? Well in my humble opinion I would say...
Why not use both! If both methods of advertising are proven to have massive amounts of traffic driven to your site then why wouldn't you use both? Think about it.
If you were going to invest in stocks you can use options to kind of offset some of your losses.
So why wouldn't you want to combine two of the most power full methods of online advertising? I know you may have been looking for a definite answer to separate the two but it really wouldn't make sense to do so.
Although I've wouldn't really say one is better than the other, I will say that I've always liked free stuff.