Article Writing For Money - Announcing 4 Key Steps to Make Money Through Article Writing
As an internet marketer, you need to understand that you need to have great content on your website and that you must use article marketing technique to boost your search engine traffic.
This is the only way to increase your sales potential by up to a hundredfold.
Here's how you can make money through article writing: 1.
First, create compelling, extra-ordinary articles.
Write articles that are closely relevant to your chosen niche.
Ensure that they contain nothing but useful information.
Keep them short and simple.
Make them readable and ensure that they are far different and far better compare to other articles in the online arena.
Use keywords.
Optimize your articles to secure better ranking.
Using keyword suggestion tools, determine the most searched words and phrases in your chosen niche.
Incorporate these terms on your articles particularly on your titles.
Don't forget to learn and use LSI technique as this can help you in impressing Google and other major search engines.
Make your articles publisher-friendly.
You need to get online publishers to post your articles on their websites.
This can only happen if you follow the rules and guidelines that they have set.
Don't worry as you don't need to do anything fancy.
Just make sure that your articles are unique and that they do not contain blatant ads and outgoing links.
Distribute your articles.
Make your articles available to online users by simply distributing them to ezines and directories.
They'll bring traffic to your website once they were accessed by online users and when these people click through your resource box.