List Building Tips - How List Building Creates Proven Profits For Years on End
It's one of the profitable things I do in my business.
The main reason why it is so profitable is because you build a database of people who are interested in your niche market or your products and they have indicated that interest by opting in to your list.
It's a ready-made traffic source that you can tap into at any time of the day just by sending out an email to the list.
Having a list means you have a guaranteed source of traffic when you need it.
Let's say you have a 50,000 strong list.
You can stop getting new visitors for the next year or two and still make a decent income with the list.
However, if you don't have a list, you have to constantly generate new visitors to maintain your profits.
Now, with a list, what you have a is a ready-made database of people with whom you can form a relationship with.
And over time, many of those subscribers will buy repeatedly from you.
Repeatedly! You can't get that if you don't build a list.
Many experts agree that repeat buyers are easier to sell to than new buyers.
It's easier to get a current customer to buy your products than it is to try and convince a new visitor.
A list, to put it simply, is an instant traffic generator you can turn on at anytime, and your subscribers will visit your sales page and send you money if you do it right time after time.
The key is in relationship building and providing solid content at no cost.
When you do that, your email open rates will be above the industry standard and you can make a predictable income month after month just through list building.