Foods that Will Make Your Body, and You, Look Young
There are particular types of foods which will do that, and probably not unexpectedly will also enable you to guard against skin cancer. Most of the foods we will denote here have certain qualities in common, although to maintain looking young plan on getting them into your diet plan. And of course you'll want to never get the addiction of smoking; the one thing that will do more harm to your skin than almost anything.
1.           Cold-water oily fish. Sardines, tuna and salmon have omega-3s, and the fats in these fish maintain collagen, which is a fibrous protein in our skin which keeps it firm. It also has qualities that decrease inflammatory compounds that promote the increase of tumors. Endeavor to consume a meal of this type of fish at least twice every week.
2.           Types of foods which contain lycopene. People with greater concentrations of lycopene have smoother skin. Tomatoes are some of the optimum providers of this, as that is where they get the red color from. Other options are carrots red peppers, watermelon, pink grapefruit and guava.
3.           Cocoa. We were always told that you got acne with chocolate. Not just do studies say there is no link between skin blemishes and chocolate, some kinds of chocolate can even prove to be beneficial for the skin. It will have a form of flavonoid known as epicatechin, and when taken daily for a twelve week time was established to boost skin texture. This will be brought on by escalating the blood flow though the skin and providing additional nutrients and oxygen, which leads to more vibrant skin.
4.           Soy products. This would include tofu, edamame and soy milk, and it's because it is full of isoflavones. Researchers think it has something that stops collagen within our skin from breaking down, much like omega-3s.
5.           Coffee. This may be another surprising one, but just one cup of coffee may decrease your danger of skin cancer. Decaf did not seem to provide the same protection.  Read more in our article on the health benefits of coffee.
6.           Vitamin C. There are several vitamin C foods, and vitamin C has tested to help you ward off wrinkles and age-related dryness. A cup of strawberries gives more than the daily suggested requirement of this essential vitamin.
7.           Beta-carotene.  This fights dryness and assists cells to renew, and this results in better looking skin. Add olive oil to your beta-carotene rich meals for an even more effective combination. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source, along with carrots, spinach and squash.