Cats and a Therapeutic Touch
Over the years I have had a lot of cats.
Some have been my favorites and others have been pets because I did not have the heart to give them away.
I have lived on a horse farm for a long time so cats have a way of multiplying and before you know it you can easily become overrun with furry felines.
My numbers became so great at one point I had to bite the bullet and have mass spaying and neutering done.
From that point on the numbers started to cut back to within reason.
The irony was that the ones that I lost first were my favorites and most of these losses were not due to attrition but due to getting killed on the road.
I never was able to figure out why getting them fixed made them more prone, it seemed, to meeting an untimely death.
After becoming interested in Therapeutic Touch (TT) all of my animals that is the horses, the dogs and the cats all became fair game for me to practice my new found healing talents.
I found that the cats usually responded quite differently to energy work then did the dogs and horses.
As with the other animals some took to it very readily and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it while others, being "cats" wanted no part of it, "thank you very much.
" This did not surprise me, as cats seem to have a way of being entities unto themselves much more so than other animals.
Some love to be cuddled and made a fuss over while others seem to merely tolerate their humans, quite often with disdain, and only then when it suits them.
One of my cats in particular did seem to really like Therapeutic Touch.
He was a black and white Domestic Short Hair, quite small for a male and quite thin seemingly by nature as he did have a good appetite.
His name was Andy.
Andy was strange in that once when I was in picture taking mode and snapped a photo of him it developed with a definite glow surrounding him.
This prompted me to assess him as one does in the TT procedure and found that his energy field was quite phenomenal.
It was then I discovered that Andy really liked a TT treatment so much so that whenever I performed Therapeutic Touch on anyone in the family Andy would appear and lie close by awaiting his turn.
Over the years I have actually performed Therapeutic Touch more on my animals then I have on humans.
Of all of my animals the cats proved to be both the most challenging and the most rewarding because usually with the other animals a practitioner is able to win them over but I have not found this to be so with the cats.
Dear little Andy was indeed the exception.
Some have been my favorites and others have been pets because I did not have the heart to give them away.
I have lived on a horse farm for a long time so cats have a way of multiplying and before you know it you can easily become overrun with furry felines.
My numbers became so great at one point I had to bite the bullet and have mass spaying and neutering done.
From that point on the numbers started to cut back to within reason.
The irony was that the ones that I lost first were my favorites and most of these losses were not due to attrition but due to getting killed on the road.
I never was able to figure out why getting them fixed made them more prone, it seemed, to meeting an untimely death.
After becoming interested in Therapeutic Touch (TT) all of my animals that is the horses, the dogs and the cats all became fair game for me to practice my new found healing talents.
I found that the cats usually responded quite differently to energy work then did the dogs and horses.
As with the other animals some took to it very readily and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it while others, being "cats" wanted no part of it, "thank you very much.
" This did not surprise me, as cats seem to have a way of being entities unto themselves much more so than other animals.
Some love to be cuddled and made a fuss over while others seem to merely tolerate their humans, quite often with disdain, and only then when it suits them.
One of my cats in particular did seem to really like Therapeutic Touch.
He was a black and white Domestic Short Hair, quite small for a male and quite thin seemingly by nature as he did have a good appetite.
His name was Andy.
Andy was strange in that once when I was in picture taking mode and snapped a photo of him it developed with a definite glow surrounding him.
This prompted me to assess him as one does in the TT procedure and found that his energy field was quite phenomenal.
It was then I discovered that Andy really liked a TT treatment so much so that whenever I performed Therapeutic Touch on anyone in the family Andy would appear and lie close by awaiting his turn.
Over the years I have actually performed Therapeutic Touch more on my animals then I have on humans.
Of all of my animals the cats proved to be both the most challenging and the most rewarding because usually with the other animals a practitioner is able to win them over but I have not found this to be so with the cats.
Dear little Andy was indeed the exception.