How to Write Funny Articles and Inject Some Personality
I'm not talking about methods that will have your reader shooting liquid out of a facial orifice.
I'm talking about right in the middle of a serious article you surprise the reader and give them a chuckle in the midst of all of this serious stuff.
So how do we go about being funny but not over the top? First of all remember your target audience.
And keep in mind that not everything is going to be an instant hit.
Some people just may not get it but stick with it because believe me, it is definitely worth it.
This is a terrific way to build a loyal following of fans and to share a bit of your personality.
Understand timing.
Since you're telling your joke or story in text, it's important to use the element of surprise.
This means that you will have to start your sentence or your paragraph and add a funny word or phrase at just the right moment, usually the last possible moment.
Another method that will help you control your timing is to take your reader through the story and then spin it in a completely different direction which would create that element of surprise that you're looking for.
Remember it's all about the timing here.
Be Specific.
What I mean by being specific is that as you described your funny story, give details about what is actually going on.
For example if you're talking about a bum, give some details about how he looks or what he's doing.
Something that involves the reader and makes him seem funny.
Also write about the environment such as a room or office scene, give details.
Definitely use a thesaurus.
Sometimes just using a different version of a particular word can make a line or the joke funnier than the original word.
Often times when you find the right word it will jump out of the page and you know you've got your funny hook.
Look for words that describe in much greater detail.
Sometimes you should be the joke.
Using this strategy, you really don't need to worry about offending anyone.
You could poke fun at your looks, your parents, your wife or husband, your home, your job.
This is much easier for the reader to accept then picking on an individual.
Edit everything.
Read and reread your funny story or line.
Run it by someone else to see their reaction.
Then edit it again.
The last thing you want is for someone to get hung up on a misspelled word which will basically trip them along a story and ruin the joke.
Another angle on creating a funny story or comment is to draw attention to very common things but ones that are seldom discussed.
You know what I mean, things that are slightly embarrassing when people realize they actually do it themselves.
Read it to yourself and see how it flows.
And above all remember don't force your writing.
Take a break - It's hard work to be funny let alone writing good content.
Take breaks even if it means long ones.
I've noticed that some of my worst work is when I forced the completion under a deadline.
Now that you have your funny story, how do you get people to see or read it? Well, you need traffic...
traffic that is target specific.