Mule Hide EPDM Mechanically Attached Roofing System Specification - Product Delivery, Storage, Etc
As a matter of fact, there are a number of procedures that have to be taken into consideration before, during, and after the roofing contractor has installed the material.
The first subject concerning Mule Hide specifications is the product delivery.
All of the products that are delivered to the job site shall be in their original, unopened containers, wrappings and they should be clearly labeled or marked stating the manufacturer's name, the product information and identification and also the date of manufacture of the product.
You should always protect the Mule Hide materials from any damage that may happen during transit, delivery and shipment to your jobsite.
The roofing contractor should place all of the work materials on pallets, this protects from moisture getting under the wrapping.
Any materials that may get damaged from handling or shipping while in transit cannot be used for the job at hand.
You should store all of the work related roofing system in a dry, clean area protected always from the elements.
All of the adhesive and caulking shall be stored at temperature between 60F degrees and 80F degrees.
The materials exposed to any temperatures that are lower than the said temperatures will affect the workability and the performance of the product.
Products shall also be restored to room temperature prior to use on the roofing job.
All flammable work materials have to be stored in a cool, dry area away from open flames and sparks.
You should always follow the precautions that are outlined on any containers or supplied by the component manufacturer and or supplier.
The job conditions are another specification that has to be taken seriously.
This certain specification cannot be considered applicable without the appropriate additional components approved by Mule Hide if it should be determined that any of the following conditions exist: ·        The installation of any Mule Hide roof system is in the Zone 3 as classified by the factory mutual loss prevention tables.
·        If the Mule Hide roof system should exceed the structural load conditions as determined by an architect or an engineer.
·        When chemicals or any hazardous substance are discharged onto the mule Hide roof system.
Doing all of these precautions and making sure everyone that is involved doing the roofing job is aware of this will ensure the Mule Hide product is installed correctly and the warranty will be valid.