Why Dreaming Alone Will Never Be Enough! Are You Ready To Design The Dream?
Dreamers have great ideas that stretch my mind and make me appreciate all that the world has to offer.
They are exciting to be around, and they teach us so much about keeping ideas and hope fresh.
The only problem is dreaming by itself will never be enough.
Eventually, the dreams need to move from concept to reality or all they will ever be is another great fairy tale.
Dreaming starts the imagination phase, it is where we begin to create ideas and where the momentum starts.
We conceptualize the possibilities and think about how much better things could be if what we dream about actually happens.
Herein lies the problem, a dream without a plan is a wish! Ideas without action open the doors of our imagination, but they don't do much else.
They won't cure cancer, create a new car, they won't design new companies, or create new artwork, they are abstract ideas that don't continue the empowerment process until they are connected with specific and focused action.
Dreamers need an infrastructure and support to birth and design, what they can see.
They need people who can help them see what it will really take to design what they envision.
When the idea belongs to you, there is usually something that must be done to help you get past your own shortcomings and insecurities.
Dreamers need the encouragement and support to let go of their design, and the courage to stop tweaking their ideas.
They need to let go of the habits that encourage procrastination, and trade them in for the actions and activities that allow them to build.
Could you imagine what would have happened if Steve Jobs, never came back to Apple, would we still have this whole iculture, or would Apple just be another brand that had come and gone.
Richard Branson is another visionary, he is always pushing the envelope.
What if he didn't have people who could help him push his ideas out of his head and into reality.
In our society, people play many different roles, some people have so many ideas, they don't know where to start.
There are others, who have the ability to expand and improve on every concept and idea that comes in front of them.
They make things work better, and they improve the way things work.
There are others who have the ability to look at an idea and see what needs to happen to bring all the missing pages together, they know how to manage things.
All of these roles are important.
They keep us moving forward, and as a country and a world keep us in the creation business.
Now that, we know this, it is important to know, which one of these people you are.
If you are a dreamer, but you are in a role of an implementer, you are probably very frustrated.
You may even be stuck, and this is why.
Have you ever seen what happens when too many people try to leave a parking lot after a major sporting event, a back-up usually occurs because everyone is trying to get out at the same time.
If someone comes along and directs the traffic they make sure people keep moving.
They keep things orderly and moving forward.
Dreamers need that kind of structure because their minds are always active and ready for the next new thing.
It is the way dreamers operate, and it's not bad or good, it is just great to know because then you know how to manage it.
IF you are the dreamer rest assure, you have the ability to finish what you start, and you can bring your ideas to life, just remember what you want to accomplish and remember that you have the ability you may just have to tap into help when you need it.