Topic-Stem Cell Research
The history of Stem Cell Research Legislation in the United States
In the United States of America, the concept of adult stem cell research was first introduced in 1960's where it first attained success in 1968 when a patient was treated with severe combined immunodeficiency disorder. In this case, from the 1970's up to the present there have been successful uses of adult stem cell in the treatment of leukemia and immunodeficiency in this country. Importantly, the support of this research in America is divided among states where most of the states are supportive of the range, nature, requirement and importance of the stem cell research. This support has its roots from the basis that if there is a possibility to safe and preserve life by treating diseases such as Leukemia, Heart Diseases, Cancer, and HIV AIDS then it would be ethical for the federal government to issue more finances toward stem cell researches that would help in discovering the treatments of these diseases. Life is very precious to all human beings and hence the government should preserve it by encouraging and supporting stem cell researches (Humber & Almeder, 2004).
Researchers have indicated that, through stem cells transplant HIV AIDS patients and Leukemia patients can be healed. As indicated by Atala (2008), a HIV AIDS patient who had been sick for about ten years can be treated through stem cell transplant from a donor with a rare gene variant that is known to resist the lethal disease. According to many states in America that are restrictive to the process of stem cell research, embryonic stem cell research is not ethic as it seems that life is taken in the process. As a result, many people in these states are against the support given by the government to the stem cell researches. Even though the stem cell research has been supported by the federal government in some states, some people believe that it is pro-life. According to the proponents of pro-life, the stem cell research offer false promises to patients while in the real sense they kill a human embryo. It produces tissue rejection and unbalanced lethal cancers. According to research advocates, many fertilized female cells have already been banked but are not readily made available for study (Freckelton & Petersen, 2006).
The first year of the George Bush as the president of the United States of America, the concept of stem cell research became a high profile political issue. In this term, this president banned the federal support of new embryonic stem cells from embryos that are fertilized. According to him, stem cell research was destruction to human life and hence should be avoided. As a result of this, the senate passed a bill that allowed researchers to conduct researches on embryonic stem cells without necessarily destroying human life (Atala, 2008).
How the Stem cell research legislation compare to comparable statutes in the rest of the world
All over the world the controversy concerning the stem cell research varies. However, the whole world appears to agree on some issues of stem well research especially its importance contributions that make many governments support it. In Australia, the Australian Stem Cell Center embryonic stem cells are usually removed from embryos originating from eggs that are fertilized in an in vitro fertilization clinic. Importantly, spare embryos needed in implantation are donated for research purposes after the guidelines of the donor. In Australia it is illegal to conduct researches on embryos that are conceived naturally. However researches are conducted on embryos provided by donors (Panno, 2005).