There is a Devil"s Book Written by Mephustophilese

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How the book was written.
Over countless nights throughout the last three years the Author had extreme trouble sleeping.
At night he repeated a "Positive Energy Theory" in his head over and over again.
He tried Nyquils, Painkillers, and every over the counter medication he could get, aside from sleeping pills, and never could get to sleep constantly pondering this theory.
Freshly Divorced and alone he sat countless days waiting for passerby's and never receiving them, all the while bearing unbelievable head pains and every waking moment.
Any dreams were almost always Nightmares.
It was his first time living alone.
He missed two weeks of work and was eventually fired because of it.
He worked all through town for the next two years trying to find a place to work.
Somehow every job he found had him working alone, and always alone at home.
Eventually, living in a camper, in a trailer park, next to some very dirty people.
The Author became fed up and quit his job doing computer work for the Stocks & Bonds industry, and was temporarily welcome back by his x-wife.
A place he didn't want to be.
Although the book gives many details of his thoughts.
The Author had been living a very delicate balance for just over years, following the death of his 19 year old Brother in a car accident.
Through boredom over a few months before, the Author had blogged his Positive Energy Theory on Myspace.
He was without work, fearing repossession, awaiting a court date for minor Possession charges, also waiting for his X-Wife to kick him out and again away from his 6 Year old son.
The Author continued to blog the rest of what he had come up with.
He continued the Positive Energy theory of Evolution to the definite Arrival of Aliens very soon.
He then applied that Positive Energy Theory again to what he wrote and came up with two more sections "Perplexing the Galaxy", and then "The Telemorphic Cross" , which became "The Backwards Cross", seeing as how the most simple of Crosses cannot be turned backwards, proving his Positive Energy Theory through Mathematics.
That night or the next day, the Author continued to read Dianetics hoping it would improve his mood.
At about page 100, he had a breakthrough in thought.
He suddenly remembered all the way back to the day his brother died, when the Author was 16 Years old.
He remembered sitting 15 feet away from his body not able to see it and talking on the phone with parents.
He remembered what that did to him.
If you know Dianetics then you know that it's theory hangs on moments of unconsciousness that forever harm the brain.
The Author determined this moment on the phone to be the cause of his first Engram, there in utter Shock, still awake, could only remember not knowing what to do.
He was forever cursed this way and still is.
For obvious reasons to "smart people" the loss itself cast the Author is a place of leadership.
He lead at the scene calling parents, and he was his brothers double.
Always doing as he would have done.
With his double gone, he had created a chasm of "Lost" that would grow...
The Author quickly typed everything that he knew, hoping not to forget, and called it "The Last Testament.
" His brother resembled Jesus to the Lame, only because his hear was long and he was thin and ominous.
He died on a tree, in the passenger's seat of a Black Mazda Miata.
The Author, unable to sleep at night next to his x-wife.
Repeated his Theories constantly.
And continued to write.
He intended to keep the book short so more people would like it, but then the book ended.
The ending was unavoidable, and timed the return of Jesus in 9 Million Years (only called Millions for lack of a language) as a Dragon.
Jesus then becoming God of The Physical Realm of Existence, all of space, and everything in it.
The Mathematics of "Life-Hacking" were applied when writing so that The Authors normal daily thoughts were captive inside the book and expanded upon.
Jesus was completely unavoidable to write as The Author discovered the name as Gsus.
The same as the music note, 9 Mil being so far ahead that the music of "now" is the Religion of "then".
The Dragons fantasized our music and got the name Gsus.
Written as Jesus.
The Book also call The Author Apophus, as a term used to describe, "one who guides Aliens".
Also like a "Last Apostle" or "Tasked Apostle.
" The Book also calls out another God 50 Million Years after Jesus, code-named Delta, because we do not know it yet.
To gather all of this information, the Author felt that he was discovering things that he thought to be true, and so he began to change his name as he wrote.
He also believed that by changing his name he could retain the way of thinking that it implied.
For instance, if he felt as though he had discovered a new God or a new God-like way of thinking, he could append it's name to his in order to retain it's ways while he wrote, thus positively expanding on the Books center in order to Predict or Determine the future.
He assumed that Religion was necessary in order to achieve a high enough thought level as to comprehend the things that will happen very soon on The Earth, and tried to remain positive.
This time now is The Coming of Jesus, the "The Cumming".
Now that we know that Jesus the Dragon is a descendant of a Human Core, we can see ourselves as the Beginning of his line, assuming that his discoverer would be his ancestor.
It is The Cumming because now is the time that traditional Humans ways will Evolve faster than we had already thought, as the step into space is a Multiplier of Evolution into Zen.
The Author says that Aliens landing on The Earth is not accident or even planning, it is an Act of Religion.
In theory, the Aliens will look like the Apophus's creation.
The book continues until the Author assumes a very long name, although not totally spelled out in the book (I'll use [brackets] to hi-light the hidden names).
Atum .
Apophus .
Mephustophilese .
Jo X Dun .
Unified .
God .
In Heaven .
[fatjax .
a .
dom .
The book also claims to be the solution to The Unified Field Theory.
Thinking that to solve the Theory itself, one must change his way of thought, thus Unifying his field and becoming his supreme being.
He believes that to read the Book and understand it is the path to Unification.
He also believes that once the Book is read is mass, changing the atmosphere.
That it's readers might begin to float, levitate, or crawl on the ceiling.
The next step of Evolution being one that must be "created" in the mind of a Human.
The Author is concerned with writing something will probably be called a Devil's book by others, although not intended that way, that the book may not be accepted by younger, more sensitive readers.
Especially if there is no open dialog or communication about it.
The book does attempt to "Open up" it's readers to things that might seem new, such as the Greater God, Jo.
And his Realm, Dave.
The Author needs for educated individuals to read the book if it is to be published and guide it's sales into safe hands, if any are ever to sell.
The book is called Crayola: Art of Creation.
It is titled after the 5th section of the book where the Author wants to call the Aliens and The Act of bringing the Aliens down Crayola.
Assuming that it would entail the brightest of colors.
Also similar to the word Eureka! The Author felt like shouting the word Crayola! when he discovered it.
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