4 Simple Steps For A Tight, Firm, And Sexy Butt
Getting a tight, firm, and sexy butt doesn't have to be complicated.
You don't need any butt firming machines or anything like that.
All you need are my top exercises to help you tone your butt.
Let's face it, what woman doesn't want a nice butt? With these exercises you're about to read, you'll be able to tone up your butt and thighs and the best part is you don't even have to join a gym to do this.
You can do this in the comfort of your own living room, and no one has see you.
Just five minutes a day is all it will take.
Just follow these exercises and you will tone up your butt in no time to be ready for the beach this summer.
The best exercise for toning your butt is one legged Romanian dead lifts.
The name sounds complicated, but the exercise really isn't too difficult, and trust me you'll definitely feel this one.
Step 1: Look straight ahead and balance on 1 foot while kicking the other one slightly behind you.
(Make sure you have a slight bend in your knee, this is very important by the way.
) Step 2: Now push your hips and butt back, while simultaneously leaning forward, in keeping your back flat.
( Make sure your back is parallel when you're doing this to the floor.
Don't round out your back.
) Step 3: While bending down horizontally try to touch your toes with the foot on the ground.
You should really field is starting to burn in your hamstrings Step- 4: Now focus on tightening up your butt muscles while using them to get yourself back into an upright position Make sure you keep your back flat for all this.
There you go! That was one rep.
Now all you need is five to 10 reps with each leg and a couple of sets and your butt and thighs will be burning in no time.
At first, you might have trouble balancing on one leg over time you'll get the hang of it.
This is a really great exercise for toning your butt and making it feel firm and look sexy.
You don't need any butt firming machines or anything like that.
All you need are my top exercises to help you tone your butt.
Let's face it, what woman doesn't want a nice butt? With these exercises you're about to read, you'll be able to tone up your butt and thighs and the best part is you don't even have to join a gym to do this.
You can do this in the comfort of your own living room, and no one has see you.
Just five minutes a day is all it will take.
Just follow these exercises and you will tone up your butt in no time to be ready for the beach this summer.
The best exercise for toning your butt is one legged Romanian dead lifts.
The name sounds complicated, but the exercise really isn't too difficult, and trust me you'll definitely feel this one.
Step 1: Look straight ahead and balance on 1 foot while kicking the other one slightly behind you.
(Make sure you have a slight bend in your knee, this is very important by the way.
) Step 2: Now push your hips and butt back, while simultaneously leaning forward, in keeping your back flat.
( Make sure your back is parallel when you're doing this to the floor.
Don't round out your back.
) Step 3: While bending down horizontally try to touch your toes with the foot on the ground.
You should really field is starting to burn in your hamstrings Step- 4: Now focus on tightening up your butt muscles while using them to get yourself back into an upright position Make sure you keep your back flat for all this.
There you go! That was one rep.
Now all you need is five to 10 reps with each leg and a couple of sets and your butt and thighs will be burning in no time.
At first, you might have trouble balancing on one leg over time you'll get the hang of it.
This is a really great exercise for toning your butt and making it feel firm and look sexy.