Niche Market Success
Choosing the most profitable niche market to use for your next info-product or website can be difficult if you have too many ideas, or are listening to too many different sources.
In this case what I like to do is put my niche ideas through a checklist to narrow down my focus and weed out potential duds that may only be interesting to me or a small group of people.
You always want to target big markets with big appetites for a product.
It makes good sense to find the hungriest crowd and deliver exactly what they are looking for.
Here's how I do it...
Choosing the Right Niche Market Checklist You'll know your niche is a good choice if you can answer yes to the following: 1.
Communities are already in place a.
Online there are: Forums, Social networks and Blogs b.
Offline there are: books, Magazines, Events, TV new, newspapers, radio devoted to the niche market.
You see results on web 2.
0 sites, Technorati, Dig, StumbleUpon and other social bookmarking pages.
(There is a link to a list of the most popular social bookmarking tools at the bottom of this post) 3.
People are buying products in the niche market (This is VERY important.
You always want to sell what people are buying, not what you want them to.
) An easy way to check if people are buying products in your niche market is to check out Clickbank, Paydotcom and Amazon results.
Do a keyword search, if you see multiple products targeting your niche idea, chances are there are people making money from it.
If your niche idea has survived so far and looks like it may be a winner, here's some questions to ask to narrow down your focus and find the most popular keywords to use to optimize for your product and site.
Wordtracker search results are strong Go to Wordtracker.
com and type in the keywords pertaining to the niche 2.
Google AdWords External Tool results are strong.
Use this tool to check results: https://adwords.
com/select/KeywordToolExternal You can see how many times the keywords have been searched and take a look at the trends, are they on the way up? 3.
Google Search Search the separate keywords on Google.
If you see plenty of other Google AdWords on the right of each page, you know it is popular 4.
com shows a high popularity and keyword price 5.
Other advertisers are paying to publicize to the niche The amount of advertising you see, whether it's on TV, in the form of t-shirts and mugs, or in Target, will tell you how much the niche is marketed to.
It's easy to write about This goes without saying, but if the entire report is on a niche that you know absolutely nothing about, and doesn't even seem interesting to you, you may want to choose another niche Now you should have some great ideas about how to choose the right niche market for your next product or website.