Are You Shocked Your Boyfriend Dumped You So Suddenly? A Psychological Strategy To Get Him Back
He was just gone the next day.
You went mad and decided to pull him out of your mind once for all.
He was not the man for you.
He was probably hooked with someone else, but you are not sure.
But despite your best efforts, you have not been able to forget him.
You still visit his pages on Twitter and Facebook trying to figure out what he is up to.
Has he announced the name of his new girlfriend? You try to scan the photos of his friends to see who the new one might be.
Are there any congratulatory messages from his friends on his new find? But you can't really zero in upon anyone.
The visions of his lying into the arms of his new girlfriend haunt you no end.
You feel so alone, so hurt! What makes you more frustrated and angry is that you still love him.
Getting your ex boyfriend back is not a question of restoring your self-esteem.
It is that you can't live without him.
That's it.
How to get your ex boyfriend back? You mull over several options to get him back.
Should you email him, spill your guts out before him; tell him how much you love him and how sorry you are? But sorry for what? You can't decide.
Look, calling, emailing or messaging him may make him more angry with you.
He may even block your email id and you would be closing your options to communicate with him.
If you are sure you did nothing wrong to him, his bitterness for whatever reason will vanish after some time.
It is really difficult to remain in a state of perpetual anger.
You get tired, even bored, of the same emotion and tend to cool down.
In the meanwhile, you should stop spying on him.
It will hurt you all the more.
You may have to struggle with some rough periods.
Everyone in your situation has to.
Pull yourself up and try to get your distracted life back in order.
Go for a makeover.
Join a gym.
Find your old friends and reconnect with them.
It would bring back normalcy in your life.
Disconnect yourself completely from him, even if it appears a bit difficult.
If you show your painful face to him, maybe, it will give him the sadistic pleasure he is looking for and he may plan to hurt you all the more If you happen to see him in a party, don't pay much attention to him.
Give him the impression that you are enjoying the fun with your friends.
But this impression may not convey itself powerfully if it is pretended and not genuine.
Just feel genuinely happy with yourself and it would be reflected on your face, attitude and body language.
It might shock him and set him a-thinking over the wisdom of his break-up.
Also remember, you look more attractive when you are smiling, chirpy and happy.
He may be intrigued by your new avatar.
If you happen to cross way with him, just say a casual hi and move on.
This way you are not completely ignoring him and making him angry and raising hopes in his heart for a patch-up as well.
In all probability, he may call you up even tentatively.
But don't jump up at the call as if you were eagerly waiting for it.
Be casual and yet attentive and positive.
Don't ask him to call you up again.
He may not do so out of ego.
Tell him that you will call back because you are busy right now.
He will not feel offended for disconnecting the line.
This way, you are keeping the initiative in your own hands.
You may get time to think of what to say or how to say so that he invites you over a cup of coffee to discuss the relationship further.
Want to know what to say and how to say to your ex so that he is once again bowled over and comes back running into your arms? Whatever be the cause of your breakup with your lover, it may be infidelity, loss of interest and dispute for whatever reason, your relationship can be brought back to old love and warmth.