Simple and Effective Copywriting Tips
Always remember to tone down the hype when you're writing a sales copy. Putting in too much hype can take away from the credibility of you and your product. If your product is really that worth it, the benefits should speak for themselves. It's better to honestly explain to your prospects how your product can help them rather than bragging how great it is. So be sure to have helpful information included in addition to a sales pitch. The reason anybody would read your sales copy is to get a clear idea about your product before they actually buy it. Readers will have more trust in your product if your approach is helpful and conversational. Apart from that, don't use a lot of bold and italics. If you have a particular point you want to emphasize you can use these. It's better, however, to limit your use of them. If you use these effects all over the place, you lose credibility. This is far from the effect you are trying to achieve with your copy. Make your copy truthful and straightforward. If your copy is too hard on the eyes or brains of your readers, you'll lose them.
When you're writing a sales copy, you don't write like an English professor. Your goal is just to make your copy convincing as you tell your prospects they need to buy what you're offering. Instead of making them impressed with your language skills, just speak to them clearly. You need to just write like it's a pal in front of you. If you take all the pressure off, your prospects will sense that comfort level in your writing. You will then see that your prospects see you as a friend and not a salesman. The better you can make your prospects see the benefits of the products, the more they'll want to act on your letter. Your sales copy works like your personal salesman. Sales copy that sounds too sales-like will turn your readers off and they won't want to buy what you're selling.
Your third useful tip should be to use the post script or P.S when ending your sales letter for an increase in sales. Just by using a few lines you can see your sales boost once done the right way. Studies have shown that the P.S. is read by almost everybody who reads your headline. The P.S also helps in flaunting the benefits of the product and helps keep people attracted to your page. Make your post script a strong call to action and summarize your offer for your prospects.
At the end don't let a sale slip away from you. Take time to write good quality sales copy and you'll be rewarded with a boost in profits. Hence the reason why you are in this business.