What is the File Extension MVC?
- In the world of e-commerce, MVC is the proprietary scripting of Miva Merchant. The company has existed since 1995, but the MVC file came into use with version 4.1 of its shopping cart software. Miva's product is a suite of server-based applications, accessed by web developers through their hosting companies or by purchasing the software directly from the company.
- Collectorz.com produces the Collector series of home inventory software. The data file generated by the software is saved with the file extension MVC. Collectorz software can be used to track books, music, movies, comic books and digital files. Users can enter the titles and information manually or use a UPC barcode scanner to input information.
- Programmers building web-based applications using active server pages, or ASP, will recognize MVC both as a file extension and as an acronym. The acronym stands for Model View Controller and is the backbone of any user interface. The MVC file is named for this acronym and is the document or action which controls this interface.
- Individuals who utilize web-based applications sitting on a database server utilize both MVC files and the acronym. The Model is the data being manipulated or entered in the application. The View corresponds to the application's interface or what appears on screen. The Controller is how the application operates and synthesizes the information.
- Miva Merchant's largest and best-known reseller is Earthlink. The technology company offers Miva Merchant to business customers using its hosting services.