Gifts of Encouragement
- There are times in one's life when an expression of encouragement is welcomed and needed. You can convey an uplifting message by giving an inspirational gift. It might be to a dear friend who is looking for a job, a neighbor who feels down on his luck or a family member who doesn't feel good about herself.
- Books have the power to encourage. You might consider giving a religious book, a book of poetry or an inspirational biography. Another option is to buy a book from The Simple Truths, a company that specializes in gifts of inspiration. The Simple Truths books are often used by corporations as gifts for customers, employees and family members. The short, easy to read books have powerful poignant messages that inspire while bringing a tear to the reader's eye. They also have a website where interested customers can view inspirational video clips. Simple Truths sells other inspirational items, such as framed inspirations.
- During the Victorian period, flowers were used to convey many different feelings. This is referred to as the "Language of Flowers." Gifts of flowers can be used to send messages of encouragement. Since this sentimental gesture may not be obviously apparent to one who is unfamiliar with the "Language of Flowers," include a note with the gift to explain the traditional message associated with the particular flower. Each time she looks at her gift, she will be reminded of your particular expression of encouragement. A cactus flower expresses endurance, heather is admiration, a white hyacinth says you'll pray for her and an iris is faith and hope. The flowers can express how you feel about her as a person, as a means of personal encouragement. The white zinnia is goodness, tulip is beautiful eyes and a gardenia tells her she is lovely.
- Simple words can convey powerful messages and provoke thought. Select an appropriate uplifting saying to reproduce on a gift item. It might be one of Mother Teresa's sayings, such as "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." Or, go online and search for famous sayings that might be appropriate for the occasion. Perhaps you don't need to search for a saying, but have your own already scripted. Take the uplifting phrase and have it engraved on a plaque, printed on a T-shirt, engraved on a paper weight or printed on a coffee cup. It really doesn't matter where you inscribe the message, just that you deliver it on a gift as a symbol of encouragement.