Gain Muscle Weight Fast - The 3 Things You Must Do to Gain Muscle Fast
Gaining muscle is easier to do once you apply these 3 important principles.
Principle #1 - Eat More By eating more food you'll provide your body with the nutrients and calories it needs to grow bigger muscles.
This does not mean that you should stuff your face with fast food every day.
Eat more whole grains and fruits to provide you with energy for your workouts.
Eat more lean meats to satisfy your protein requirements.
Eat healthy fats like olive oil and avocados for skin and for hormone production.
Principle #2 - Focus On Basic Exercises Stop doing curls and extensions.
In order to grow stronger and bigger you need to lift basic compound exercises.
Compound exercises are those that use more than one muscle group.
Good examples are squats, deadlifts, barbell rows, chin-ups, dips, military press, etc.
Focusing on on progressing with these exercises will ensure that you activate the most amount of muscle fibers in the shortest amount of time.
Always go for the extra rep or try to add 5 more pounds to the bar.
Principle #3 - Let Your Muscles Rest Despite what you may believe muscles do not get bigger when you workout.
they get bigger when you rest.
When you train your muscles you are actually causing micro tears.
By resting your muscles you give them enough time to repair these micro tears and they get bigger as a defense mechanism of sorts.
Rest for at least 48 hours before you train the same muscle group again.