Healing Through the Akashic Records by Linda Howe
She provides further help accessing the Records and more insights into our healing.
Both discussions are valuable.
I like the reference in our "soul's perfection.
" I believe that we are each discovering our soul's purpose as part of our spiritual evolution.
We need to raise our vibrations, expand our awareness and move closer to the divine.
Howe provides some tools to help.
While her discussion on healing sacred wounds is important, I will focus my comments on the three main keys she suggests in the last part of her book: Gratitude, Grace and Generosity.
Gratitude We can give thanks for who we are, where we are and what we have.
Gratitude is that simple.
I find this is one of the most significant daily, or hourly, tasks we can perform.
How often to we tend to focus on what we lack.
We can make a decision to be grateful no matter what happens to us.
While this may not always be easy, if we understand to give up judgment and accept what occurs, our gratitude will move us to another level.
"Be thankful and sincere," (207) says Howe.
I agree.
What if we gave thanks for everything all of the time, reminding us of the universal law that "Everything happens for a reason?" Might we find ourselves happier with our lives, less judgmental, more accepting and lighter? Grace "The great possibility inherent in our conscious awareness of grace is to release unnecessary effort and striving, because within Grace, the Light does all of the work" (217).
Again, this may not be an easy thing to do, but we can accept the Divine presence and allow that energy to work within and through us.
Grace isn't something we "do," it is something we "are.
" Do you feel a connection to Spirit each day? Do you live daily as a spiritual being, despite the demands of the material world? If so, you are living in Grace.
If not, you can begin to change by being helpful and generous.
I imagine many of you do that without thinking of the spiritual aspect or the "grace" involved.
Accept that part of yourself and realize how much you already accomplish.
I love the sound of the words "being in a state of grace.
" Maybe it is my Catholic upbringing, but whatever the reason, the word "grace" resonates within me.
How about you? Are you in a state of grace? If not, would you like to be? Generosity "Giving enables us to lighten up" (217) and we can open up to life and allow life to happen.
We all have something to offer, something of value.
Money, or some physical object, of course, tends to first come to mind, but we are so much more than what we own.
Our kindness and our sense of humor are two obvious assets we have to share and they are more valuable than money.
Open up to the possibility of all you have.
Go back to the discussion on Gratitude and Grace.
What did you learn about yourself? Who are you? What is your soul's purpose? Share that.
This is not, however, just giving to others.
That is the external part.
We also have to give to ourselves and stop the internal judgment.
Being generous to others is not healthy if we are not taking care of ourselves.
Another caution: Giving too much is not better nor is giving to get something in return.
Try Gratitude, Grace and Generosity for a week and see what happens.
You may just begin to feel lighter and closer to God.
Wouldn't that be nice?