Etiquette for Inside Wedding Invitations
- In the invitation wording, list first, middle and last names for the bride and groom. Married parents' names should be written as Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Single parents' names should be written as "Mr. John Smith" or "Ms. Jane Doe."
On the inner envelope, because you formally addressed the outer envelope, you can refer casually to guests' names, such as "John and Jane" or "Mom and Dad." The names included on the inner envelope indicate everyone from that family who is invited. This is where you add or specifically omit children's names. - The hosts (the party or parties paying for the wedding) request the guests' presence. All people who are contributing to the wedding should have their names listed, lest you risk offending someone. "The honour of your presence" should be used only if the ceremony is in a house of worship. A ceremony held anywhere else should use "The pleasure of your company is requested." Brides are married "to" their grooms, unless it is a Jewish faith wedding where brides "and" grooms marry.
Dates, times and locations should be spelled out in their entirety. The year should be placed on a line below the day and month. For example:
Saturday, the twenty-sixth of December
Two thousand nine
at four o'clock in the afternoon
First Baptist Church
2745 L Street
Sacramento, California
Note that the word "and" should be omitted from the year, and p.m. is not necessary if you say "afternoon." To use both would be redundant. - Do not include reception information on the invitation but on a separate reception card. Following the same wording guidelines, include the time and location of the reception, as well as an indication of what type of meal will be served (brunch, lunch or dinner). A common wording is: "Immediately following the ceremony, please join us for dinner and dancing."
- The first line of a response card should be an "M" followed by a line. This is the space for guests to fill in their name, such as "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith." Then guests can check whether they graciously accept or regretfully decline the invitation as well as fill in the number of guests attending and select their meal choices. Ask guests to respond at least one month in advance of the wedding.
- You can include information on accommodations, your website, map and directions on a separate sheet to be included with the invitation. Do not include registry cards or any information pertaining to gifts. Guests can find out about your registry on your website or through word of mouth.