The 1040EZ is Easy for Single Income Tax Filers
I filled out my first IRS form 1040EZ when I was 18 years old. I was determined to show my parents that all of those straight A's in Math paid off. They were still leery about letting me do my own return, but trusted me enough to let me try anyway. And I did. The IRS form 1040EZ was so simple that I was almost embarrassed that I was so apprehensive about doing my taxes in the first place.
Many taxpayers try to avoid filling out these kinds of forms independently, but you can probably work your way through this form with no help at all. If you start early, you will be able to ask someone else to look over the work for you. A friend or family member will do.
It is possible to make a mistake so check and double check your work. You might have a friend proof your work before you send the IRS form 1040EZ to the government. With the user friendly tax software that's available, it's now easier to check for glaring mistakes you might have made.
The IRS form 1040EZ is also easy to find. I usually receive mine in the mail but most local libraries and local post offices carry the forms. Again purchasing some tax software or even going online will solve the 1040EZ form issue. Just Google 1040EZ and many searches will be returned for your entry.
Let this be the year you stop paying H&R Block or some tax organization and prepare your own return. I mean after all, shouldn't you at least have enough pride to say I did learn how to add and subtract, I can do this myself.