Networking Events Made Easy
When meeting someone at a networking event, best to use this script in the exact order it is written in
1) What was your reason for attending today's (networking) event?
Then SHUT UP and let them tell you their need... their WHY
2) Whats your primary business? Then sound excited!! as if by fate
3) How will I know if someone Im talking to will be a good customer for you?
Dont pitch your business or talk about yourself at this point. When they ask you what you do give them a quick reply, then ask a question back, keep the spot light on them NOT on you
4) How long have you been doing that for?
5) What made you decide to get involved in that field?
6) What advice would you give to someone who's just starting out in the (property business)?
7) Have you ever considered doing something else or are you happy with where you are at right now?
8) Are you working full time with your current business or do you have other side projects that you are involved in?
9) This may or may not be you, and I'm not sure if you have the skills or the qualities that they are looking for, but if I was to show you a way to capitalize on your experience and it didn't interfere with what you are already doing, would you have an interest in that?
10) How soon do you think you can take a look at this information?
Great we are holding a company overview on (Monday) whats your number and I'll send you the information (then LEAVE IN FACT RUN!!) move on to the next person then rinse and repeat
TOP TIP# keep them curious and wanting more not less, they should be foaming at the mouth by this point
Prospect: What is it?
You: "I'm not sure now is an appropriate time to discuss business and I know that we are both here to network and meet other people. If you would like I can send you a text with all the information. Whats your number?