Social Networks For Internet Marketers and Home-Based Business Owners
Like MySpace, Facebook is a social network and is FREE.
To create a Facebook profile logon to Facebook.
I simply went to my MySpace profile and cut the about me section and pasted it into my Facebook profile.
However, on Facebook it is easier to read your profile if you simply list items instead of writing paragraphs.
You'll see this when you look at your profile.
It is very easy to edit so don't worry about getting it perfect the first time! It may take you a little while to navigate your way around Facebook.
I had my account for a couple of weeks before I really felt comfortable working within their software.
Join some Internet Marketing or home-based business groups and other groups that appeal to you.
After you join a group, look through the members and select some people that seem interesting and send them friend requests.
Facebook has strict limits on friend requests which they will not print - so there are no written guidelines.
The general consensus among Facebook users is that the daily limit of friend requests you can make without getting your account disabled is 30 - 50.
I have learned a lot about Internet Marketing from my Facebook groups.
Some of the groups offer webinars and tele-seminars with great information and guess what, they are FREE.
I have met some amazingly talented marketers on Facebook and I highly recommend you create a profile on the social network TODAY.
Not only will you learn a lot, if you work from home, you'll have some much needed social interaction with other home-based professionals.
When you do, send me a friend request so I can get to know you better! As you join groups and make friends, you will begin to receive friend requests from other people.
Like anything, the more you put into Facebook, the more you get out.