"One Life to Live" Recap for Monday, January 10, 2011
Kelly bangs on the door and interrupts them; Aubrey answers and tells her Joey’s at the hospital. Joey informs Kelly of Jessie’s condition and she comforts him. Kelly knowing it’s a bad time but is in quite a hurry to show Joe the incriminating picture of Aubrey. Echo opens up to her fellow AA meeting members. She explains that she abandoned her son and how her drinking problem worsen, She was about to tell everyone that Charlie isn’t Rex’s real father, but she overhears a commotion between Dorian who’s in disguise spying on her and another member. She recognizes it’s Dorian and tells her that Charlie is really the father of her son and begins to insult her. Dorian lashes back and insists that Echo tell everyone that Clint is Rex’s true father. Dorian wants Echo to leave her town, but Echo promises to get revenge. After Echo leaves Dorian gets talked into opening up to everyone.
Charlie thinks about drinking after Clint blames him for Jessica’s condition. Rex finds Charlie in the park right before he takes a swig.
Charlie informs Rex on Nat’s and Jessica’s condition. Rex tells Charlie that he’s the best father he’s ever had. Charlie asks Rex to give Echo a chance. Rex confronts his father of the liquor bottle in his pocket and Charlie pours it in the trash and Echo observes from a distance. Jessica finally gets talked into having a C-section. John and Vikki worry about Natalie’s whereabouts. John tells her that he has men looking for her. Meanwhile at the lodge Marty decides to come back to help Natalie deliver her baby. Marty prepares to deliver the baby just as the hospital is preparing Jessica’s C-section. Fish calls John and informs him that Natalie is up on Lantano Mountain. Jessica and her baby have complications and the doctors work frantically to save mother and child. Brody helps Jess be calm. Natalie has her own problems besides the fact of Marty delivering her baby, Nat is breached and Marty doesn’t have any idea what the position the baby is in. John eventually arrives to the Buchanan lodge and hears screaming.