Caring For Stone Chess Sets
For these reasons, it is often chosen as the material to be used in the creation of some of the higher end chess sets available on the market.
However, while stone does have an inherent energy of strength, there are a few things that you have to be very careful of when dealing with sets in various types of this material.
First, it's important to note that chess sets can be made in a variety of different natural stone.
Something crafted from concrete is going to have different maintenance requirement than a set carved from polished marble.
Understanding these differences is the key to helping you to maintain the beauty of the set over the years.
Probably the most popular type of stone sets will be crafted from various types of marble.
The colors found in marble can vary greatly, with some pieces actually having fossilized images, or multicolored translucence, depending on the minerals present when the stone formed.
When caring for a marble chess set it is very important to be aware of scratches and chips.
Marble is a relatively soft stone, and the polish can be scratched quite easily if a billow pad or other hard surface is applied to it.
If dirt accumulates on the pieces, soak them in warm, clean water, for up to an hour to loosen the dirt.
Be very careful not to use acidic soaps on the board or the pieces, as these can stain the material.
Slate can also be used in the construction of chess pieces.
In this case you don't have to worry about the pieces staining, as this material is fairly resistant to stains.
Your only real concern should be for the pieces themselves, and any fault lines that may be running horizontally through them.
Natural stone is a beautiful and powerful material when used in a chess design.
It can lend the energy of a towering mountain range to your home, while still adhering to the sophisticated styling of the height of elegance.