Gunner Palace
Michael Tucker, Petra Epperlein.
Produced by:
Petra Epperlein.
MPAA Rating:
Not Rated.
Palm Pictures.
Release date:
March 5, 2004.
Documentary / 1 hr. 25 min:
GUNNER PALACE is an intimate portrait of the fragmented, chaotic and stress-filled existence of American soldiers at war during the most recent invasion of Iraq. During two month-long trips to Iraq, filmmaker Michael Tucker captured the lives of the members of the 2/3 Field Artillery, AKA the "Gunners".
The 2/3's are housed in the late Uday Hussein's Azimiya Palace, situated in the middle of Adhamiya, the most volatile area in Baghdad. Their commander sleeps in Hussein's massive circular bed; soldiers sip Snapple in his pool and practice on his putting greens. It is, the commander jokes, an "adult paradise."
"Gunner Palace," as the royal residence is now known, provides a surreal backdrop to the soldiers' personal stories as they continue to live and die through what is ironically referred to as "minor combat." Tucker's camera follows them as they patrol the streets, conduct raids, and weather the Iraqi's growing distrust. With total access to all unit operations and activities, GUNNER PALACE creates an opportunity to hear the candid voices of the men and women serving in this war -- young men and women who are scared, angry, proud, frustrated, and very eager to return home -- Americans who are all too human. There's been much rhetoric and propaganda, but we have not yet truly heard directly from the soldiers fighting in this war for their own survival.