Higher Education in Andhra Pradesh
Reasons for the Low Success Rate
There are a large number of colleges in Andhra Pradesh that admit students who pass in entrance exams. However, in spite of the strict admission processes of these colleges, very few of those who get through show aptitude and diligence for the engineering and medical subjects. There is no dearth of colleges in Andhra Pradesh. There are many colleges in the state that offer students seats for Engineering for a mere cost of Rs 600.85.
One of the main reasons why students are not capable of doing well in these subjects is that the fundamental concepts of these subjects are pushed to the background by colleges and a lot of importance is given to the marks that the students obtain. As a result the students resort to spoon-feeding and rote learning methods for studies. Students don't put in any effort to understand the concept and basis of any subject. All they are concerned with is to score high marks in exams.
The money that is paid as fees is pocketed by the college management and not used for the development of resources for the students. The students are made like parrots that are dictated notes and answers which they blindly need to know by heart and write in exam papers. As a result many people gain the engineering certificate but very few have the aptitude and capability to do well in the field. Hence, not too many make it in the interviews of big IT companies.
If education was not so examination oriented in India, the scenario would have been different. The excessive importance on exams and marks has led to students being mere puppets in the hands of the college managements.
Just passing out of Medical and Engineering Entrance Exams will not be of any help if the students do not understand the basic concepts of these subjects and do not make use of them in their practical life.