Windows Multimedia Functions
- Windows operating systems come with a powerful, built-in multimedia center and there are many other media players that can be downloaded and installed. As well as playing music and videos, these multimedia centers have several other functions. These functions allow more flexibility for the user allowing them to create playlists, capture screens and much more. The term "function" can also be used to describe the specific built-in coding that allows the Windows media centers to perform actions.
- Rather than playing only one CD or your downloaded album, the playlist function, common with many Windows multimedia players, allows users to create a list of their favorite music. This can then be played without need to manually add each file to the player. Advanced multimedia players have automatic playlist creators. These are capable of recording which media files are played most often and create a playlist of the user's favorite media.
- Capture your favorite moments of a movie, or home video using the screen capture function that is available with most Windows media players. While the media file is playing, clicking an icon or using a shortcut key will allow the user to take a snapshot of what is on the screen. This picture can be exported to a photo-editing program or saved to the hard drive and printed or shared with friends over email.
- The AVI File Info Windows multimedia function is a Syntax code used to find the size, structure and status of an AVI file on the computer hard drive. The code is as follows;
LONG lSize
The "pfile" is replaced with the name of the file to open. In order for the AVI File Info code to work, the Windows operating system must be at least Windows 2000 Professional. - The code for checking the volume settings of an auxiliary output device, such as speakers, allows the Windows multimedia program to sync the level of volume with the device for better quality. The code "uDeviceID" identifies which device is being checked. If there is an error or the device is not connected to the computer the function will return the following code, "MMSYSERR_NOERROR." The full function code is,
MMRESULT auxGetVolume(
UINT uDeviceID,
LPDWORD lpdwVolum