The Single Tax of Different Countries
The number of people getting married in Great British dropped to its lowest level within one hundred and fifty years.
One of the every three families in France is single.
The single people in Germany account for fifty-four percent of the total population.
In Japan, the single young man from thirty to thirty-four years old reaches forty-seven point one percent while that of single woman is thirty-two percent.
The South Korea had officially claimed that it enters the single era.
As long as the increase of single group, many people in the world had proposed to levy a single tax because they think that the single people will influence the social stability.
It remains to be seen whether the single tax will put into practice.
Different countries or areas have their own way to apply this.
In England, a new research shows that the expense of a single man or woman is five thousands pounds more than the married person.
The total expense in a single's life is twenty-five pounds more than the married people.
It had been jokingly referred as "single tax".
The singles also couldn't be fairly treated in those aspects, such as house-purchasing, credit card, medical care, retirement and other welfare.
They need to pay more money for house and car insurance, but couldn't enjoy the preferential treatment at gymnasium, Waialae Country Club and restaurant.
At the south part in Italian, the population of Vastogirardi village decreased to eight hundreds people from the three thousands at thirty years before.
Those people in this village are unwilling to get married.
The local mayor said that they are at the end of my tether.
And he proposed to levy a single tax to encourage people to get married.
In 2002, the fertility rate in Chinese Taiwan continually declined year by year.
The Ministry of the Interior of Taiwan was considering tax to single people above forty years old.
Public opinions were seething with indignation for this proposal.
They thought the single tax violated the indefeasible rights of man.
From the above examples, it is not hard to figure out that most people oppose the tax.
Whatever you are single or married man, it is your own freedom and right to choose the lifestyle.
Whatever is has every reason for being.
If the government levies a single tax, it will violate the right of people to choose the lifestyle.
I believe that single tax is not a correct way to solve the singe population problem.
The society should find the other method to solve it without violation any rights.