What He Said That She Didn"t - Man Quit This Junk!
Who knows what was really said?
Everyone's pointing the finger
This is one thing we don't want to linger
Somewhere in the middle
Something is bubbling
This situation is not very humbling
People passing the buck to cover up themselves
Hiding out on the peripheral corners
Dangling on the edge with communications
Won't even look a person straight in the eye
Cloak and dagger operation in full swing
Who really knows what she said?
it is incredible she don't even remember herself
It was not written down on paper
Like words passing in the wind
Floating on thin air like metal on ice
Crashing through when no one even realize
Causing heartaches and disruptions
People just living in total confusion
So who cares what she said?
The world still turns and planes still fly
We can't allow any "Henny Penny, Chicken Licken"
Philosophy circling in this kitchen
Everyone knows the rules; comply or lose
This is a matter where everyone must choose
What's really going on here?
We have no time for this disgusting fuss
Now speak up or hush; this is business with a rush
She said he didn't wash his hands
He came back and just picked up the pan
Send him in here and let's rap!
Did you wash your hands?
Yes I did!
No he didn't; I didn't hear the water
Be quiet and let him state his piece!
Where did you wash it and how
They said you just walked out
She wasn't in there how could she know?
She could be a Peeping Tom; oh really!?!
Then if that's the case, she would have known
I always use Hand Sanitizer, with Vitamin E
She should get some herself, it's soft and refreshing!
All of you get out my office
Get back to work and quite this junk
Don't come in here wasting my time!
And Cynthia,
I need to talk to you!