Breast Feeding in Public
In England someone was thrown out of the government parliament building for breast-feeding and similar things have taken place in the United States of America.
We all know that it is very Important to breast-feed and that infants need the Mother’s milk to develop in a healthy manner.
Why is breast-feeding in public so admonished by the citizens? Well much of it has to do with the human problems with nudity and a lot has to do with the number of perverts out there due to the problems of nudity and the taboo of the Church or various religious organizations.
Theoretically there is absolutely nothing wrong with breast-feeding in public as it is such a natural thing to do and our species must do this as it is part of the genetic make-up and nurturing of the next generation.
What should be a non-issue has further been engulfed in the chaos and controversy of mankind due to the mass media hysteria of these events where a woman breast-feeding was asked to leave the building or a public domain.
You obviously cannot arrest her for public nudity and it straddles the law some feel.
Even worse is some who wish to take issue with this whole thing on both side; really the answer is a little discretion when breast feeding in public and when I have witnessed this I have indeed seen discretion being used and therefore believe the issue is simply over blown? What do you think?