Create Great Presentations and Get Coaching Clients
The single most effective way to get many coaching clients quickly is to speak or do a workshop.
Your presentation must be created with purpose and a goal.
You need to know what you would like to communicate to the audience and what you would like them to do in response to your presentation.
It is important to answer some questions about the purpose of your presentation before you develop it.
How do you want your audience to feel, what do you want to motivate them to do, what nugget of knowledge do you want them to take away with them? Answering these questions will help you focus your presentation and it will help your delivery.
We all perform better when we know what our goals are.
Have One Main Goal for Your Speaking You cannot have multiple goals for one speaking event and achieve all of them to your maximum capacity.
For example your goal could be to talk to people about breaking off a relationship and how to do it in a way that is viewed as kind by the other person.
Then that is your goal and all you have to do is show the audience how to do that one thing.
Pick Three Main Points to Get Across The formula is very simple just pick three main things you want to communicate and determine what tools you want to use to get those three points across.
You can use tools like power point, audience input, discussion, and small group discussion.
Power Point has been over used but it can be helpful if you want to show a diagram or chart.
Be sure you need to use Power Point before you use it because your audience will ignore it unless it is relevant.
Audience input is a great way to get people involved and turn the presentation into a conversation.
People always like what they have a hand in creating.
Discussion and Small Group Discussion are a great way to make people feel good and enjoy your presentation.
People love to talk and they really love to talk about themselves.
If you can have a discussion where each participant has an opportunity to express their view or talk about their needs then you will have a sure fire way to get your audience involved in what you are sharing.
Add an introduction to tell people who you are, what you will be speaking about and how that will benefit them.
Follow your three main points with a conclusion that includes gratitude for the opportunity to speak, recap what you covered and invite them to get more with an introductory coaching session.
Great presentations can be very easy to put together and fun to deliver.
There is nothing more gratifying than you give a presentation that gives other people value and be thanked for it.
So go write your presentation and schedule yourself to deliver it.
Your presentation must be created with purpose and a goal.
You need to know what you would like to communicate to the audience and what you would like them to do in response to your presentation.
It is important to answer some questions about the purpose of your presentation before you develop it.
How do you want your audience to feel, what do you want to motivate them to do, what nugget of knowledge do you want them to take away with them? Answering these questions will help you focus your presentation and it will help your delivery.
We all perform better when we know what our goals are.
Have One Main Goal for Your Speaking You cannot have multiple goals for one speaking event and achieve all of them to your maximum capacity.
For example your goal could be to talk to people about breaking off a relationship and how to do it in a way that is viewed as kind by the other person.
Then that is your goal and all you have to do is show the audience how to do that one thing.
Pick Three Main Points to Get Across The formula is very simple just pick three main things you want to communicate and determine what tools you want to use to get those three points across.
You can use tools like power point, audience input, discussion, and small group discussion.
Power Point has been over used but it can be helpful if you want to show a diagram or chart.
Be sure you need to use Power Point before you use it because your audience will ignore it unless it is relevant.
Audience input is a great way to get people involved and turn the presentation into a conversation.
People always like what they have a hand in creating.
Discussion and Small Group Discussion are a great way to make people feel good and enjoy your presentation.
People love to talk and they really love to talk about themselves.
If you can have a discussion where each participant has an opportunity to express their view or talk about their needs then you will have a sure fire way to get your audience involved in what you are sharing.
Add an introduction to tell people who you are, what you will be speaking about and how that will benefit them.
Follow your three main points with a conclusion that includes gratitude for the opportunity to speak, recap what you covered and invite them to get more with an introductory coaching session.
Great presentations can be very easy to put together and fun to deliver.
There is nothing more gratifying than you give a presentation that gives other people value and be thanked for it.
So go write your presentation and schedule yourself to deliver it.