How to Wash Washable Suede
- 1). Inspect your washable suede for any stains. If you find a stain, mix 1 cup of detergent with color-safe bleach and 1 cup of liquid dish-washing soap. Fill a sink full of water and pour in your stain-fighting mixture. Add the washable suede and allow it to soak.
- 2). Place your washable suede in a washing machine and pour in a gentle laundry detergent.
- 3). Set the washing machine's cycle to cold and delicate.
- 4). Take out the washable suede garment when the cycle is over and lay it on a towel in a dry place. Wait for the material to dry halfway, because hanging it when it is wet can stretch out the material.
- 5). Hang the washable suede on a coat hanger. Keep it out of the sun, so that it won't stiffen.