Monster Hunter Freedom 2
The game focuses, as the title suggests, on hunting monsters.
It must be said now, that this game is more for the hardcore gamer than the casual gamer, as improving your character is not easy, and is done in an unorthodox manner, so you must rely more on skill than anything to survive.
The other major standout point of this game is the graphics - for a PSP game they are fantastic, and provide you with a lush world to explore.
The game features a huge collection of weapons, which can be made up of different raw materials, such as ores and stones.
Because of this, a Monster Hunter Freedom 2 weapon tree is needed in order to keep track of everything.
Sadly, the game offers no built-in one, so people have had to draw them out themselves.
For those that played Vagrant Story on the PlayStation will be familiar with this, as the game also offered a rather complex weapon crafting system, which was easy to get confused by.
This kind of depth gives the game a great amount of replay value, and has kept me happy for hours, as I love trying to get the best weapons.
There are also a series of legendary weapons in the game, which are the best of each class.
Some of the classes include bows, hammers, gun-lances, long swords, great swords, and the hunting horn.
Trying to attain all of the best weapons can be very rewarding, and is what sets this game apart from the pack.