How to Stay in Shape During a Bad Economy
During times when jobs are scarce and/or the price of food, gas and other necessities are on the rise and making unaffordable things that are not necessarily a need but a want like: 1.
) Your membership to that awesome gym that's costing you $60 to $150 dollars per month or 2.
) Those personal fitness training sessions you like so much.
Fret not because if you should have to cancel your membership or your training sessions during tough economic times, you can still maintain your fitness for pennies on the dollar.
The key to maintaining your fitness at the lowest possible cost is really two fold.
The first thing you must do is find effective workout routines that you can do using the exercise equipment you currently have or find routines that are effective and require a limited amount of exercise equipment and space.
The second thing you must have is commitment and determination.
Finding good workout routines is really easy to do today with all the articles being printed in magazines and on the internet pertaining to fitness.
Search the internet and/or go to your local library and find 3 to 6 workout routines that require only an exercise ball, a pair of dumbbells, and perhaps a couple of resistance bands.
If you do not already have the foregoing exercise equipment, you can purchase all of it for $50 or less.
As for the commitment and the determination, a couple of things you can do in this regard to keep you on track is to get yourself a workout log and schedule your training days and then put those schedule training days in your cell phone, your calendar on your computer or in your alarm clock at home, so that you receive an alert reminding you of your training days and time.
In addition, on those days when you feel like you just don't have the motivation and/or energy to train, be sure and do something even if it's just a 10 minute walk.
This will keep you on track with your schedule, which is very important because many find it difficult to get back on track once they deviate from their scheduled workout routines.
) Your membership to that awesome gym that's costing you $60 to $150 dollars per month or 2.
) Those personal fitness training sessions you like so much.
Fret not because if you should have to cancel your membership or your training sessions during tough economic times, you can still maintain your fitness for pennies on the dollar.
The key to maintaining your fitness at the lowest possible cost is really two fold.
The first thing you must do is find effective workout routines that you can do using the exercise equipment you currently have or find routines that are effective and require a limited amount of exercise equipment and space.
The second thing you must have is commitment and determination.
Finding good workout routines is really easy to do today with all the articles being printed in magazines and on the internet pertaining to fitness.
Search the internet and/or go to your local library and find 3 to 6 workout routines that require only an exercise ball, a pair of dumbbells, and perhaps a couple of resistance bands.
If you do not already have the foregoing exercise equipment, you can purchase all of it for $50 or less.
As for the commitment and the determination, a couple of things you can do in this regard to keep you on track is to get yourself a workout log and schedule your training days and then put those schedule training days in your cell phone, your calendar on your computer or in your alarm clock at home, so that you receive an alert reminding you of your training days and time.
In addition, on those days when you feel like you just don't have the motivation and/or energy to train, be sure and do something even if it's just a 10 minute walk.
This will keep you on track with your schedule, which is very important because many find it difficult to get back on track once they deviate from their scheduled workout routines.