Orlando Office Suites
The city has an estimated population of 230,519 in the city center, and upwards of 2.
2 million in the greater metropolitan area.
It is the third largest metropolitan area in the state of Florida, behind Miami and Tampa.
Founded in 1875 the city has a rich coastal history that makes the area quite interesting to visit.
Orlando Jobs: Orlando has a growing technology sector, and relies heavily on tourism for the economical outlook.
The area has many resorts and tour destinations to take advantage of, and has been world renowned for the many conventions that occur in the area.
Some of the large resorts in the area are Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort, Sea World Orlando, and much more.
Some of the major companies that call the area home include AT&T, General Dynamics, KDF, Mitsubishi Power Systems, Darden Restaurants, and many other large-scale companies.
The overall reach of the area is massive, involving many sectors of technology and industry.
Despite a large amount of high profile employers, with many different career options, the unemployment rate of Orlando is at 10% and has been declining.
Office Suite Prices: The greater Orlando area is consistently growing, and receives millions of dollars in tourism money annually.
With such large resorts in the area, consistent commercial development is done year round to accommodate the area's need for more warehouse, retail storefronts, and office space.
Office suites abound in the area, and is relatively low in cost for a city the size of Orlando.
The office space vacancy rate in the area is at 21% and has started to come down from a higher number.
That's good for entrepreneurs looking for a good deal on open space.
In a recent survey of options that were open to the public, results yielded options priced at around $400 for small spaces, and $0.
75 - $1.
50 a square foot for larger square footage with certain amenities attached.
There are a great variety of options to take advantage of in the area, and development is consistently being made.
Office Floor plans: After you work out your lease terms (and hopefully you rented a good office) and are preparing to move into your new office suite, you need to start thinking about an "office floorplan" and how you want the interior of your executive office space to feel.
The right office layout or floorplan is very important for many reasons and it's worth the extra time to plan ahead.
Call centers usually require a bullpen setting, while a small law firm might thrive with a smaller, private feel with just 1 or 2 closed in offices.
For residents looking to get a higher education in the area, there is a great deal of options to explore.
Some of the colleges that call the area home include, High Tech Institute, Orlando Culinary Academy, University of Central Florida, DeVry University, and many others.
There are roughly 23 colleges in the greater Orlando area, so anyone that is looking to expand their educational goals, can easily do so.
Crime / Culture: The local airport in the area, and one of the busiest in the world is Orlando International Airport.
Recently upgraded to house a great wealth of shopping, dining, and luxury, it is a central hub for travel in the central Florida area.
The airport helps roughly 36 million passengers annually travel throughout the United States and the world.
IT is one of the most frequented airports in the world, and houses many major airlines.
The crime rate of Orlando is relatively high in some areas, despite the great concentration of tourist destinations.
Outside of the attractions and around the area, the crime rate is roughly, 113 per one thousand residents and is relatively high for a city of the capacity of Orlando.
While there have been major moves to help calm the areas, there is still some problematic areas.