How to Dance an Outside Underarm Turn in East Coast Swing
- 1). Lift your left hand over the lady’s head and lead her to turn to her right as you take a triple step—side-together-side—to the left, starting with your left foot on counts one-and-two. Lead the lady to move toward your left side as she turns, while you dance your triple step forward to change places with her.
- 2). Dance a triple step—side-together-side—to the right, starting with your right foot, on counts three-and-four. Lower your left hand to the lady’s waist level. If you led her to change places with you, you will need to keep turning on this step until you are facing her again.
- 3). Do a rock step on counts five-and-six, stepping back on the left foot on count five and then replacing the weight on the right on count six.
- 1). Turn right and take a triple step—step-together-step—to the right, starting with your right foot, when the man leads you to turn on counts one-and-two. He will either turn you in place or lead you past his left shoulder to change places with you.
- 2). Continue turning right until you are facing your partner while you take a triple step—step-together-step—to the left on counts three-and-four, starting with your left foot.
- 3). Do a rock step on counts five-and-six, stepping back on the right foot on count five and then replacing the weight on the left on count six.