How to Remove Ink From Simulated Leather
- 1). Work quickly on a new stain. Hand wash the spot in warm water with a mild hand soap like Ivory or Dove. Use your fingertips, rather than a cloth, to rub the spot, else you will rub away the surface finish or nap. This should remove most of the ink.
- 2). Wash the item (if it is small enough) in a commercial washing machine, using cold water and the gentle cycle, and a detergent like Woolite. Hang to dry---hot air will set the ink. This may leave some of the stain, but continued washing in this manner will make the stain far less noticeable over time.
- 3). Use a powder-based spray-on/brush-off stain remover (made for clothing, not leather) to clean faux suede. These products typically come in a spray can with a bristle brush on the cap. Rub carefully, else, you will rub away the nap of the suede. Repeat. If any remains, wash the item in cold water with Woolite, and hang to dry.
- 4). See a dry cleaner or professional leather technician if the above fail. A dry cleaner will pretreat the ink stain; a leather technician will likely paint a cushion, coat or other large item to match it.