Coffee: The Good, the Bad, and the Yummy

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Sometime ago, a morning news show mentioned that the most desired software for one PDA at the time was a Starbuck's locator. The joke was why anyone would need one: There seemed to be a coffee shop on every corner.

I got the joke, but I sympathized with the people who got that coffee shop locator, as well, due to the fact I enjoy coffee, and I really know what it is to seriously wish for a cup and not know the place you'll be able to find one.

Not long ago, my renewed curiosity in well-being problems has made me question whether my appreciation of coffee was truly anything I should embrace so enthusiastically. So, I did some research, and if you appreciate coffee, you may really like what I found.

The Bad

I'll start out with the bad news I discovered simply because nothing at all's ideal (even a beverage), and I have to be fair, but I also want to get the bad information out of the way. So here's a rundown on why coffee may not be a friend.

The most serious concern involving coffee is from the Harvard School of Public Health. They talked about that whilst information is inconclusive, there have been studies indicating that pregnant females who consume greater amounts of caffeine may raise the dangers of miscarriage and stillbirth.

I must admit that that one is quite significant, but HSPH's other point seemed a bit of a stretch, if not downright silly, to me: The issue is that those who drink caffeine regularly, generally additionally take in high-calorie things such as cream, sugar, and flavored syrup, as well. You can't fault the coffee for ordering the extras.

The Good

Okay, we've recognized that expecting females may wish to rethink their caffeine intake. Now let's take a look at the benefits of drinking coffee. They are impressive.

1. Diabetes
There are over 15 published studies that examine the connection between coffee and diabetes. One significant discovery is that the caffeine in coffee increases blood glucose and will increase short-term energy. And one interesting possibility involving coffee and well being is that some of the antioxidants it contains can possibly improve insulin sensitivity and also help in reducing the chance of type 2 diabetes.

2. Gallstones
Raising the intake of caffeine can lower the danger of symptomatic gallstone disease.

3. Heart Disease
The HSPH's info indicates that coffee consumption may modestly minimize the danger of stroke. They also cite a study from the University Medical Center Utrecht that suggests that reasonable caffeine intake somewhat lowers the chance for coronary heart disease.

4. Liver Cancer and Cirrhosis
One of the findings cited on these circumstances brought up a possible association involving caffeine drinking and a decreased risk of hepatic injury and cirrhosis.

5. Parkinson's Disease
There's a relationship between reasonable caffeine intake (1-3 cups per day) and a lessening of the chance of Parkinson's disease

6. Other
WebMD additionally cites research that signifies that caffeine drinkers are much less prone to dementia, strokes, heart difficulties, and specific sorts of cancer, and I (as well as a lot of other folks) realize from our own experiences the beneficial impact caffeine can have on a headaches or asthmatic episodes.

The Yummy

Well, you get that coffee tastes good, so there's not too much I can elaborate on with regards to the yummy aspect. I can tell you that you don't have to go broke (or even go out) to get just the coffee you desire due to the introduction of state-of-the-art brewing systems to the market.

The single-cup coffee makers that are now available are especially interesting and supply virtually limitless beverage options. Besides offering variety, each cup from a single-cup brewer is fresh, and there's no waste. Take a look around and see for yourself.
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