How to Make Your Ex Miss You - What You Should Do to Make Your Ex Miss You
This could be very hard to do; but one positive thing about this is that the person is your former lover who once loved you and missed you and all you want to do right now is to make him miss you again.
Now, that is better situation because all you have to do is to bring back that old feelings again.
What made you and your ex split up? This is very important which you should be able to recognize the various factors that caused either one of you to break away from your relationship.
You have to know this if you are really serious in solving your problem on how to make your ex miss you.
One of the many reasons could be that you have greatly changed a lot.
You are no longer the same person which your ex used to know and love.
Maybe you used to be very affectionate and expressive with your feelings to him that really made him fell madly in love with you and missed you every moment of the day.
But now, you have changed; you are very busy with your work that you barely spend time with your ex and show your affections to him.
Perhaps what your ex really wants to have is affection; and he wants to feel being loved and cared which you no longer showed him.
In this case, you have to give him what he wants and be that person you used to be which he always wanted to be with.
Another way to make him miss you is to move on with your life; show your ex how you have managed yourself perfectly well by being able to move in even in his absence.
This will make him miss you because of the thought and realization that he will completely lose you.
This technique has been very effective in most cases.
The aforementioned tips will greatly help you with your problem on how to make your ex miss you again if you will only follow the given advice.