Man in the Image of God

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"Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Consider this.
If you want to see into the face of God, go and look in the mirror.
Read the above quote from the Bible again.
Look with an open mind.
It may be one of the most significant passages in literature and may be the key to our future.
We hear regularly about people who have beaten the odds, people who have achieved great things.
Perhaps they have overcome illness, achieved enormous feats of endurance or succeeded remarkably well in business despite the challenges.
Morris Goodman from Virginia was declared dead several times after a plane crash but has forced himself to recover, to learn to breathe, speak, eat and walk again.
He is now a brilliant public speaker.
Richard Noble, land speed record holder, tells how, at 650mph, he could see every stone on the track ahead.
What about the mother who was able to lift a car from her trapped child? How about those who can show great feats of memory and intelligence? How is it sometimes we think of a person, the phone rings and they are on the other end? Think of all those unexplained things that happen to us.
We are told we only use a very small percentage of our brains.
Just wait a moment, and think of this: suppose we were to use one hundred percent of our brain? What would that mean? The Bible tells us that we are made in God's image and James Allen tells us we can influence our circumstances by our thoughts and we can achieve a blessed state by thinking correctly.
I'll bet that other religions make the same observation.
Perhaps man is God, and God is simply the perfect man.
I have read the so-called success principles taught elsewhere and find they work if applied.
What would happen if we took these self-improvement principles and took them further? What could we achieve? What problems could we overcome? Constantly, we think ourselves to be inferior in our actions and our thoughts.
But what would happen if we believed in ourselves, man or woman, and went out to push to achieve more? I'm not talking about arrogance here, by the way: Winston Churchill said "the price of greatness is responsibility" and I believe, the quotation from the Bible is also saying we have a responsibility to our environment too.
We are aware of the possibility of psychic powers, of mind reading and other dimensions and skills.
What could we achieve if we used our brains to their full potential? Science fiction habitually talks of discovering the superior race on some planet away from our own: I believe we would discover that superior race right here, inside ourselves.
We can achieve what God intended for us - namely, to become Gods.
If he didn't intend this, why give us the capacity to do so? I will end with a passage from Dr.
John Hagelin in the book 'The Secret': "I see a future of potential, unbounded possibilities.
Remember we're using, at most, 5 per cent of the potential of the human mind.
One hundred percent human potential is the result of proper education.
So imagine a world where people are using their full mental and emotional potential.
We could go anywhere.
We could do anything.
Achieve anything.
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